Why should I use a travel agent?

Most importantly, I’m here to help you save time and give you peace of mind. I do all the research for you and stay on top of anything that may come up during your travel. I can book travel insurance for you and transfers to and from your hotel or airport. Travel agents have knowledge that you simply cannot Google. I am also like Mary Poppins’ magical bag, but instead of an abundance of items, I’m full of resources, tips, and tricks to make your traveling that much easier for you.

Does it cost me money for you to quote me?

Nope! I will never charge you any type of fee, even if you do hire me. My services are free.

Do I need travel insurance?

It’s your choice, but I do recommend it especially nowadays with so many flight cancellations and unforeseen circumstances. You truly never know what each day will bring, so you might as well have that extra layer of protection on your trip.

Can you work within my budget?

Of course, as long as you have a realistic budget, I can certainly work with you. It would be unrealistic for me to promise you a 5-night Disney World trip for $500, so please just be honest and realistic with your budget :)

I don’t feel like getting a passport. Where can I go that will still feel like I traveled to a new place?

I get it! Passports are expensive and they take a while to come in and you want to travel ASAP! You can go to Puerto Rico, the US Virgin Islands, Alaska (I know, I know it’s still the US, but if you’re like me and you’re from Arizona, it certainly will feel like you traveled to an exotic place), and some other places. You can go here and here to read more. Please note, while not requiring a passport, a valid ID or birth certificate IS typically required.